The 2019 Autumn MTB trip was changed from a “Home” (i.e. not Raven Crag) to an “Away” trip as someone had beaten us to the slot for booking RC…oh well…. South Wales and Bike Park Wales it was then!

We stayed in the Pwll Du Adventure Centre near Abergavenny which was a great bunkhouse and nicely situated for Bike Park Wales, the Black Mountains and the Brecon Beacons, all arriving on Friday evening for a catch up and some planning for the weekend ahead.
A few of us had booked uplifts at Bike Park Wales (BPW) for the Saturday (and a few more hadn’t, but still intended to go…they did a lot of pushing!), so we split into two groups, one bound for BPW and the other for a cross-country ride in the Black Mountains. The weather wasn’t great, but that’s mountain biking for you. The BPWers had a fantastic time being driven up to the top and plummeting down the hill on a variety of routes, I think the average number of uplifts was 8 (although those pushing up managed a few less runs).
Saturday night was curry night (this is now becoming a tradition!) and the Spice Lounge, just outside Abergavenny did us proud. We even had our own room, well nearly…. I’m not sure what the couple in the room thought of 14 mountain bikers invading their space! (They were actually very sweet and joined in with the fun).
On Sunday, our original plans to cycle a loop from the door of the Adventure Centre were dashed as the weather was lousy, so we decided to take a trip to the Forest of Dean trail centre, where it was forecast to be better (it wasn’t….). The trail centre was very busy, as there was an event running, but we soon found space on the trails and had a glorious, if muddy time!